2CCS893001R0841 ABB S803N-D125

Número de part:2CCS893001R0841
PLCDigi NO:PLC-2CCS893001R0841
Fitxa de dades:2CCS893001R0841
Descripció:S803N-D125 High Performance Circuit Breaker - S800N - Number of poles 3 - Tripping characteristic D - Rated current 125A - Cage terminal
Enviament:A tot el món per DHL i UPS
Garantia:12 mesos
Tipus de retorn:Estàndard


Número de part 2CCS893001R0841
Marca ABB
Cicle de vida Actiu
mètode de muntatge Surface mounting
freqüència d'entrada 240 Pixel
forma d'ona a la bateria 240 Pixel
freqüència en el funcionament de la bateria 240 Pixel
temps de recàrrega típic 240 Pixel
color 240 Pixel

ABB 2CCS893001R0841 especificacions tècniques, atributs, paràmetres.


The S803N-D125 is a 3-pole High Performance Circuit breaker with D-Characteristic, with cage terminal and a rated current of 125 A. It is a current limiting device with a maximum breaking capacity of 36kA at 240/415V. It can be used for voltages up to 400/690V and in DC as well. It has two different tripping mechanisms, the thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection and the electromechanic tripping mechanism for short circuit protection. The S803N-D125 complies with IEC/EN 60947-2 and allows the use for industrial applications. It has numerous of approvals, therefore it can be used worldwide. The extensive range of accessory makes the use of S803N-D125 more comfortable. Due to the fast arc extinction of S803N-D125 your application will be secured.
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