2CCS862001R0105 ABB S802S-B10

Número de part:2CCS862001R0105
PLCDigi NO:PLC-2CCS862001R0105
Fitxa de dades:2CCS862001R0105
Descripció:S802S-B10 High Performance Circuit Breaker - S800S - Number of poles 2 - Tripping characteristic B - Rated current 10A - Cage terminal
Enviament:A tot el món per DHL i UPS
Garantia:12 mesos
Tipus de retorn:Estàndard


Número de part 2CCS862001R0105
Marca ABB
Cicle de vida Actiu
mètode de muntatge Surface mounting
freqüència d'entrada 240 Pixel
forma d'ona a la bateria 240 Pixel
freqüència en el funcionament de la bateria 240 Pixel
temps de recàrrega típic 240 Pixel
color 240 Pixel

ABB 2CCS862001R0105 especificacions tècniques, atributs, paràmetres.


The S802S-B10 is a 2-pole High Performance Circuit breaker with B-characteristic, with cage terminal and a rated current of 10 A. It is a current limiting device with a maximum breaking capacity of 50kA at 240/415V. It can be used for voltages up to 400/690V and in DC as well. It has two different tripping mechanisms, the thermal tripping mechanism for overload protection and the electromechanic tripping mechanism for short circuit protection. The S802S-B10 complies with IEC/EN 60898-1 and IEC/EN 60947-2 and allows the use for residential, commercial and industrial applications. It has numerous of approvals, therefore it can be used worldwide. The extensive range of accessory makes the use of S802S-B10 more comfortable. Due to the fast arc extinction of S802S-B10 your application will be secured.
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